Satellite uplink and downlink
Satellite uplink and downlink

satellite uplink and downlink

The magnitude of Ф = 𝑃 𝑇 𝐺 𝑇/4𝜋𝑅2 is called power flux density.A surface of area A situated at a distance R from the transmitting antennaĪt the transmitting antenna.In a direction where the value of transmission gain is 𝐺 𝑇.Radio frequency source of power 𝑃 𝑇 is given by The power radiated per unit solid angle by an isotropic antenna fed from a.Effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP) The ellipse reduces to one axis the polarization is said to be linearġ. When the ellipse is a circle the polarization is said to be circular. axial ratio : that is the ratio of the major and minor axes of the ellipse.direction of rotation : clockwise or counter-clockwise.Polarization is characterized by the following parameters:.Polarization : the polarization of the wave is defined by the direction of Which the gain falls to half its maximum value. The 3 dB beamwidth corresponds to the angle between the directions in.The angular beamwidth is the angle defined by the directionsĬorresponding to a given gain fallout with respect to the maximum value.The radiation pattern indicates the variations of gain with direction.where ƞ is the efficiency of the antennaĢ.For an antenna with a circular aperture or reflector of diameter D and geometric surface.The gain is maximum in the direction of maximum radiation (the electromagnetic.Solid angle by an isotropic antenna fed with the same power. The gain of an antenna is the ratio of the power radiated (or received) per unit solidĪngle by the antenna in a given direction to the power radiated (or received) per unit.The satellite communications link EIRP = 𝑷 𝑻 𝑮 𝑻.Intersatellite links between the satellites.Downlinks from the satellites to the earth.Uplinks from the earth stations to the satellites.UPLINK, DOWNLINK AND OVERALL LINK PERFORMANCE INTER-SATELLITE LINKS

Satellite uplink and downlink